The School of Soul (SOS) Membership unites us as a community and cultivates a culture of trust and openness. Within the membership everyone is supported in their growth and empowered to intentionally live their highest most authentic joy-filled life.

Integrate heart and soul into your daily life

Heart Habits

Soul Centred Manifesting

Nourishing thoughts & beliefs

Georgie will intuitively create a theme and energy focus for the month, giving each person a way to harness and connect into the collective energy.

This energy will be used to manifest a goal or vision and bring focus and clarity to an area of their life that they feel needs their loving attention.

Each member will learn how to trust their own intuition and truth and will see their ability to make decisions daily that are in alignment with the person’s own true values and beliefs.

This membership will give you a greater connection to your own true self, a life that feels in flow and brings inner peace, and connection to a community of like-minded souls from all around the world!

What will I get from the membership?

  • You will be provided with a guided workbook including the focus for the month - mind, body, soul practices, affirmations and journal prompts.

  • WhatsApp Community

  • A Recorded meditation will be sent to every member incorporating the theme of the month

  • 1hour long group call on Zoom

    • Georgie will teach and guide the group through a meditation, the theme of the month, the workbook, manifesting and goal setting practices

    • There will be time for questions and answers.

What if I want more support?

There is an additional path option that includes everything from the membership listed above but also allows for 1:1 time with Georgie

  • Connect with Georgie on WhatsApp where she will answer 3 questions per week, tune in, channel and coach you through the question/block or area you need clarity on.

When do we start?

  • January 1, 2025

How long does the membership last?

  • The membership is ongoing so you can join at anytime and are charged monthly for as long as you are in the membership

What is the investment?

  • Monthly €32

  • Additional Support Option €55

Ready to join??